The Countdown Begins...

Can you believe it? Only 34 more days until Christmas! The holidays seem to approach quicker every year. With Andy and Frank playing their tunes in the background, I busily bop around my studio creating holiday yummies for my loved ones. This year I am a little behind with my "plan of attack" for my gift giving. I did, however, download a super cool Black Friday app for my iPhone! It displays all the ads available so far and lets you make a list of the deals you just can't miss. Many paper crafting supplies are in my list :o)

Here is a fun little project to jumpstart yourholiday gift giving. It is one of many creations I had at a local craft show - all vintagely inspired and will be for sale in my Etsy store. This particular little cutie is a great little stocking stuffer. Mini hershey bars are stuffed in a stained and grubified vintage red net stocking. Bo Bunny paper and silver tinsel trim act as eye popping accents. I have no idea where I found this poem - so unfortunately I cannot give credit to its creator. But the words are recited to the tune of "Jingle Bells" and it is sure to bring a smile to your face! The font I used is sorta small so if you have trouble reading it just email me! (

Stay tuned tomorrow when all of our design team girls for Crafty Secrets show you many gorgeous holiday creations!!